February 10 2025
 Who earned the most black points in Minnesota face-to-face clubs last month?  That would be Charles Carroll [St Paul], who led the pack of Minnesota players with 26.80 black points.  The list to your left is the top dozen players who scored in in-person club games.  There are no Sectional points here, no online BBO points, nothing but good ol' fashioned face-to-face games at local Minnesota clubs.  Congratulations to Charles!  He was followed this month by Andrew Caranicas [St Paul] and Greg Caucutt [Rochester].

(DISCLAIMER:  There are a couple of Minnesota players who earned more in-person club masterpoints than Charles did last month - but they are snowbirds that are out-of-state right now. . .and afforded many more opportunities than those of us here at home.  This list is strictly for those playing locally, supporting our local clubs.)

February 10 2025
  . . .guessing that most of us thought "they'd never end."  Or at least that would be the optimistic take.

Prior to the introduction of COVID to the bridge world, sanctioned Minnesota club tables were running at an average of 16,999 tables per year over a 16-year period (2004 to 2019).  The most recent year (2024) saw 10,407 face-to-face tables in Minnesota clubs. . .that's 61.4% of what they used to be.  That's actually slightly better than the overall ACBL average (57.0% of pre-COVID tables), but always room for improvement.

Clubs do seem to come and go (Austin? Edina Women's Club? MacGregor? Hackensack??), but tables at our local clubs are slowly coming back.  Without the many players that left the game during the COVID outbreak, it'll be near impossible to get back to 17,000 tables a year.  And yet if even half the active 1,400 or so bridge players in Minnesota played just two extra games a month - you'd be in the ballpark.

February 9 2025

It's John Koch [St Cloud].  Rapidly approaching the 15,000 masterpoint mark, John played online quite a bit the past couple of weeks - and now is within 13.47 masterpoints of achieving this masterpoint milestone.  Cake and celebratory atmosphere are imminent.

February 9 2025

  That's Kimberly Hayward [Bayport] and Fay Debellis [North Oaks] in the front - along with Linus Bendel-Stenzel [Edina] and Jackson Wahl [Minneapolis] in the back (above left).  This fearless foursome played in the Houston Lone Star Regional this week, having really a nice couple of days of bridge.

Friday, they played in "Bracket 10" of the Bracketed Teams event, and they came out in 1st place (81 VPs, with 77 VPs for the 2nd place team) and 7.26 gold points!  Then today, another 1st place finish in their bracketed teams (83 VPs vs 74 VPs for 2nd place) resulted in an additional 6.87 gold points to bring home.

If you know any of these four, you know they are not just great ambassadors of bridge in general, but they are fantastic representatives of Minnesota. . .and clearly they had a lot of fun this week.  Flying home with 14.13 gold points should make that flight go pretty quickly.

NOTE: They weren't the only Minnesota players to do well in Houston this week - George Schnepf [Sartell] and Nancy Schnepf [Sartell] (below left) teamed up with a pair from Georgetown, Texas, to win their bracket today (and 5.08 gold points!).  We'll update with a photo of these two just as soon as we get it.  UPDATE:  The Schenpfs are still celebrating in Texas but here's a photo of the happy winners (H/T: Connie).

February 9 2025
Qualifying for the Grand National Teams runs through this month - and then that is it until the next season of GNT games starts all over in September.  If you have not yet qualified for this year's D14 GNT competition, here are the remaining games that are available to you across Minnesota this month (and if you have already qualified, here's more opportunities to play teams!):
    TUE 11 Feb - 6:30pm game ONLINE thanks to Minnesota Grand Slam Club
    FRI 14 Feb - 10:00am game at the BCSP
    SAT 15 Feb - 12:30pm game at the BCSP, hosted by Plymouth Bridge Club
    MON 17 Feb - 10:00am game at the BCSP
    TUE 18 Feb - 6:30pm game ONLINE (look for MGSC game)
    SUN 23 Feb - 5:00pm game at the BCSP
    MON 24 Feb - 12:00pm game in Duluth (it's an "8 is Enough Game", pre-register required)
    TUE 25 Feb - 6:30pm game ONLINE

February 8 2025
  From Mike Cassel [Roseville]:
    "The Minneapolis Grand Slam Club, nearing its 90th year of continual play has gravitated, since Covid, to a mostly online format.  The club is running a weekly Swiss Team GNT qualifying game online in the BBO VACB area on Tuesdays at 6:30pm through the rest of February.

    [T]he MGSC can offer advancing players tools and feedback to grow their game.  Rather than reminiscing about how great and tough the game used to be, we can help our players gain confidence and competence.  It would sure be nice to see more of the 120+ players who have played online come back and join in the experience."
If you click on the MGSC flyer on your above left, that will open in a new window Mike's terrific commentary on bidding and play from last week - and this is something he puts together every week.  This past Tuesday, Vern Swing [Minneapolis], Deb Weiss [Minneapolis], Keith Connolly [St Paul], and Eric Hendrickson [Minneapolis] nearly got 90% of the available victory points in the online team game; in Mike's informative recap of the game he highlights one of the deals where this winning team had a nice slam swing.


February 8 2025
 The ACBL's masterpoint update on the 6th of the month showed that 27 different players in Minnesota reached a new goal during the month of January!  The list this month includes two new Sapphire Life Masters (that's 3,500 masterpoints!):  Larry Uttley [Duluth] and Rowen Bell [Woodbury] both crossed the 3,500 mark this month.  Click on the image to your left to open the list of local achievers in a new browser - and be sure to give them a hearty congratulations when you see them at the table!

February 7 2025
The combined 103/178 Awards Party on May 4th at the Bridge Center of St Paul, that is!

With the latest ACBL masterpoint engine update on February 6th, the 2024 Award winners for Unit 178 have been issued - including the Ace of Clubs (those that won the most masterpoints in 2024 playing in local clubs), the Mini-McKenney (those that won the most in clubs and tournaments), and the Virtual Ace of Clubs (those that spent the most time online!).

Are you on our list?  Click on the images below to open the file in a new window and whether you're on the list and playing for free on May 4th - or even if you didn't make the list this year - we hope to see you at the Awards Luncheon and Bridge game in May.

Unit 178
Ace of Clubs
Unit 178
Unit 178
Virtual Ace of Clubs

February 7 2025
  Here's a special shoutout to our two Sues (Sue Greenberg [Byron], Unit 103 President, and Sue Sanger [Bloomington], Unit 178 President) along with the sub-committee members of Todd Flowerday [Coon Rapids], Keith Thompson [Bloomington], Warren Nelson [Cloquet], and Matt Belau [Rochester].  They're the volunteers that are making the effort to try and find the path forward to re-unify Minnesota's two bridge units.

Their first get-together over the interweb was this week; details of the meeting's topics of discussion are not available for dissemination at this time. . .but these volunteers are working to try and find out whether or not reunification can happen - and how.

February 6 2025
An eagle-eyed Lakeville player noticed that the ACBL's masterpoint winners for last weekend's tournament (Bob Balderson [Eden Prairie] and Jackson Wahl [Minneapolis]) are not the tournament champion posted on this blog (Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park]).  What's the deal?

The ACBL posts all of the masterpoints won at the tournament, then displays all of those won and who won them.  That's not the same thing as the masterpoints awarded to the players at the tournament.  Here's the explanation for the discrepancy:

In a pair/team game, an individual has two chances to get masterpoints - the pairs part of the game and the team part of the game.  Frequently, a player will win some masterpoints in each part of that pair/team game - but they only get the bigger award of the two.  So if a player comes in 4th in the pairs (earning 1.55 masterpoints) but 1st in the teams (earning 7.00 masterpoints), they are awarded the 7.00 masterpoints.  The ACBL, on the other hand, counts them as getting 8.55 in this example - which is not correct - but that is what they post on their website.  That is why the masterpoint totals listed on the ACBL's website are different than they are here.  It's also why if you're expecting the masterpoint total listed on the ACBL site next to your name - and it's not what you got - this is the reason.

February 6 2025
  The volunteers that help Gopher Regional Chair Patti Stuhlman [Minneapolis] put that big tournament on met via Zoom this week.  In attendance was Warren Nelson [Cloquet], Steve Gaynor [Inver Grove Heights], Jean Boettcher [Inver Grove Heights], Sue Sanger [Bloomington], Matt Belau [Rochester], Annie Schaeffer [Lakeville], Kurt Schaeffer [Lakeville], and Keith Thompson [Bloomington].

Warren provided an update on the Public Relations Committee work; Matt indicated the flyer and ad were done and up on the ACBL's website; Patti said the Gopher Ad in the Bridge Bulletin would be in the April issue; and Steve and Jean thought more emphasis on hand discussion for I/N players would be prudent.  Patti also provided the latest hotel update, where we will have better lighting for the lounge area, among other player enhancements.  Annie and Kurt Schaeffer are in charge of the partnership desk this year, adn are looking for standby players - especially for the I/N and Gold Rush events.  Everyone (on the committee and reading this website) is encouraged to get people to come to the tournament and get the word out!  It's a great group of people who are helping to put forth this tournament, helmed by Patti who is (of course) the glue for the whole thing.

Another meeting of the Gopher Committee is expected in mid- to late-March, before things really start heating up for the 2025 Gopher in May.

February 5 2025
  146 players in Unit 103 and 99 players in Unit 178 have qualified to move on to the D14 GNT competition next month - are you on our list?  Click on the image to your left to see your name - and the flights for which you can compete - to open the list of Minnesota players in a new window.  Remember, there are lots of games yet to be played in Minnesota clubs to qualify for the GNT, so you're not "out of the money" just yet.  (But seriously, why wait?)

February 4 2025
The ACBL-sanctioned clubs across Minnesota are certainly doing their part to encourage more play, with an additional 14 club games added during the first five weeks of this year.  That's an average of about an additional three face-to-face games each week, or an increase of +9.8% over the same period last year.

However, the number of players seated during these first five weeks of the year has only gone up +1.1%, from 3,529 to 3,567.  That means that the tables per F2F game in Minnesota has averaged 5.68 tables per game to kick off 2025, or a drop of -7.9% over the same period last year.  So if you're under the impression that your local club game has gotten a bit smaller of late - apparently it has.  It's possible that players are being stretched a little thinner with the added games, but in time, everything should shake out (whether that's ultimately bigger games or whether that's fewer F2F games offered).  Options are always welcome!  But this could be a case of "less is more".  Stay tuned.


February 3 2025

Playing in just one day of the Minnesota Winter Tournament, it was just a dent in the masterpoints needed for this major milestone coming shortly.  But the 11.70 masterpoints earned over the long tournament weekend has made that milestone just that much closer.

February 2 2025

   The four-day bridgefest in Roseville at the Bridge Center of St Paul wrapped up today with the Swiss Teams; over the tournament 181 players earned some silver points, with the final Top 100 player masterpoint results to your left.  It was very close through yesterday, but Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park] (along with teammates David Collins [Fridley], Barry Purrington [Eagan], and John Koch [St Cloud]) overtook the leading masterpoint winners yesterday to come out 1st and as Tournament Champion!

This is the first Winter Tournament in more than twenty years to extend to a 4th day of bridge; the previous tournaments this time of year have all been three days in length.  As a result, the 18 teams today helped push the paid table count to 184.5, with a 23.3 tables per session average that is just 2.5 tables off the 20-year average for the tournament.  (It's probably not fair to compare as apples-to-apples since none of the previous ones had a fourth day.)  Still - to be down just a couple of tables per session given the bridge-playing environment of the past 20 years, that could be much worse.

Next up - the Leap Into Spring Sectional, coming up in less than four weeks.

February 2 2025
   Just one day to go at the Winter Sectional, and it's a day for teams - Swiss teams.  Through the first three days of bridge, there are six players with less than one-quarter of a masterpoint separating them from 1st place to 6th!

Everything gets decided later today at the Bridge Center of St Paul's Roseville location, and we'll have a Tournament Champion by later tonight.

February 1 2025
  Saturday saw 48 pairs in the Open Pairs event - and after 54 boards, the top two spots came down to a "battle of the sexes".  Cindy Balderson [Eden Prairie] and Sarah Wahl [Minneapolis] edged out their spouses Bob Balderson [Eden Prairie] and Jackson Wahl [Minneapolis] for the top honors on Saturday - but it wasn't by much.   
With a top on a board going for 17 matchpoints, the ladies outscored the gents by a whole 4.15 matchpoints (606.44 to 602.29).  That is some pretty close competition.  Over the course of the two sessions, Cindy and Sarah averaged 62.39%, with Bob and Jackson scoring 61.96%.  This time around, it was all about "Girl Power!!" (as was shouted across the room by the scorer and Director of the game).

The good news is they won't be competing against one another tomorrow, but the bad news for the rest of us is that they're combining to make a team for Sunday's Swiss.  Congratulations to both these pairs for a hard fought battle royale today.

February 1 2025
   That's Everett Erpelding [Minnetonka] and brother Nolan Erpelding [Minnetonka] who played at the Minnesota Winter Tournament in the Saturday Flight "C" pairs.  How great is it to see a pair whose combined HCPs on a hand might actually exceed their combined ages!?

Terrific to see them both at the bridge table today, and with Dad in tow, no less!

February 1 2025
This month you'll find your local club sponsoring the ACBL Education Foundation by holding extra-masterpoint games the next four weeks.  The ACBL's Education Foundation is a non-profit organized in 1987 that "provides grants for programs and projects that recruit new bridge players and build community".  You can find out more about the Education Fund (including how to donate or apply for a grant) on the ACBL's website.

January 31 2025
Today was Pair/Teams day at the Winter Tournament, with 26 tables in the morning and 27 tables in the afternoon.  Gary Knippenberg [Golden Valley] has moved to the top of the masterpoint list, earning 16.83 masterpoints over the two days - followed closely by Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park] and Dennis Cerkvenik [Minnetonka].  Today's pairs winners in the morning session were Tom Botten [Prior Lake] and Reid Shaw [Wayzata]; this afternoon it was Paul Becka [Minneapolis] and Jim Larsen [Mound].  Next up tomorrow is the two-session pairs; it's a regionally-rated day of masterpoints, where LOTS of MPs will be going out the door.  Once again, weather may play a role in the turnout for Saturday.  There's a good chance of some snow during the break between bridge sessions Saturday, but snowfall amounts are expected to be less than one inch.


January 31 2025
Representatives of Unit 103 (Matt Belau [Rochester] and Warren Nelson [Cloquet]) met with the Bridge Center of St Paul Board this afternoon.  Two topics were discussed: The relationship between Unit 103 and the BCSP, the impact each has on the other, and how their relationship impacts Unit 103's obligations and responsibilities across the rest of Minnesota; and also a schedule update on upcoming talks with Unit 178 that ultimately may lead to Unit unification in the state.  (No specifics of the upcoming talks with Unit 178 were discussed, as the subcommittees of 103 and 178 meet next week.)  Also, there was pizza.

January 30 2025

It was a fun day at the Minnesota Winter Tournament at the Bridge Center of St Paul's Roseville location; day one of the tournament saw 49.5 tables in play (that's right up there with past Winter Tournament day 1 turnouts).  Today's bridge events were the Flighted Pairs, with the "A" Flight winners today Tom Grue [Apple Valley] and Terry Beckman [Brooklyn Park].  They earned 10.66 masterpoints to sit atop the leaderboard after everything took place today.  Your Flight "B" winners were Dan Knier [Waite Park] and Tom Knier [Burnsville] (below, center-left) - and the Flight "C" champs today were Maclore Christensen [St Paul] and Lars Christensen [St Paul] (below, center-right).  Typically, the Friday crowd is a bit larger - we will see who shows up tomorrow.  And so far - the weather still cooperating.


January 30 2025
 Good grief - with one round to go in the Flight "A" pairs today, the top three pairs were separated by three-one-hundreths of a percent (0.03%)!  Has an overtrick ever meant more in this game?

January 29 2025
 There is just one month to go in the Grand National Teams qualifying phase at your local bridge club; through the end of January, the first five of the six month qualifying period has produced 151 GNT tables across Minnesota.  That's an increase of +39.8% over last year's Minnesota GNT tables through January (impressive!).

Remember, to play in the D14 GNT Finals online the weekend of March 28 and 29 this year, you must qualify at your local club first!  So if you have not yet qualified, check with your local club (or the club calendars on this blog) for when a team game is scheduled - and get qualified!  (And if you have qualified, by all means, enjoy the team play of these games.)

January 29 2025

When you need just over 56 masterpoints to hit a major milestone, tournament play is where to get them.  But it's hard to see where even the eventual tournament champion this weekend at the Minnesota Winter Tournament can achieve that many masterpoints (when you're looking at mid- to upper-30s in these four-day events for the big winner).

A healthy dent in that 56+ points needed is likely, however, and by this time next month - have we mentioned cake?

January 28 2025
 . . .and one of the more frequent questions that players ask has to do with how masterpoints are determined in a bridge game.  Of course, there are always simple questions that require complex answers, and this may be one of the simplest questions to require one of the most complex explanations ever.

For starters, there are games that provide "overall awards" and those that do not (regular "club" games).  Tournaments provide many more masterpoints for the same tables as a club game would, and the more tables in your game, the more masterpoints are awarded.

But just looking at one type of award - the 1st place "overall" award - requires you to know six things.  The number of tables, the game's "rating" (according to ACBL codification), the number of sessions in the event, the masterpoint limit, whether it's an open game or limited to a certain group, and the type of game.  No, really!  It's all on the chart to your left.  And that's just for the first place overall award.

So please forgive your club director or manager if they stifle an eye-roll when you ask them about this sort of thing - the ACBL has a 36-page booklet on how to figure out masterpoint awards.  It's got everything you would need to know about how masterpoints are determined, but let's just say it's not what one would call "a light read".

This question almost always comes from an advancing player, and even if you don't want to peruse the ACBL's rulebook on masterpoints, there are two things to know.  1) Games that charge an extra $1 at your club do so because they pay extra masterpoints than regular club games - play in them if you want MPs!  And 2) if there is a tournament with an Open section and a 499er section, the awards in the Open section even for 499er players are much higher than in the 499er section itself - frequently higher than 1st place in the 499er section.  So don't be afraid to "play up", as you've got a better shot at more points (in addition to learning a few things by playing with the pros).

January 27 2025

 It's early - and granted, one month doesn't a trend make.  But the first four weeks of 2025 have shown another overall increase in face-to-face tables across Minnesota over last year, due in part to New Year's Day this year not falling on that all-important-day-of-the-week, Monday.

The increase in tables for this month has slowed a bit over last year's rise, with tables Outstate tables rising a bit more so than in the Metro area.  The chart on the lower left would be the "Big Six" clubs in Minnesota and their respective January table counts over the past four years.  This is the 4th January in the post-COVID world of bridge tables, and each successive year is showing an overall statewide incease over the year before. . .and that could be more indicative of a trend.

January 26 2025

 With Board members all across the state (and one across state lines1), the Unit 103 Board met on Thursday evening via Zoom.  The Board met to discuss an update to the Unit 103 Policy document, a reimbursement request from one of the Unit 103 clubs, elect officers for the upcoming year, and more.  Elected officers for 2025 are Sue Greenberg [Byron], President, with Warren Nelson [Cloquet] Vice-President.  Tom Owens [St Paul] will continue as Secretary for another year, with Lance Chamberlain [Rochester] taking care of the financial business of the Unit.

Approved Board minutes are posted on this site on the Minnesota Unit documents page; and remember that both Units 178 and 103 will have all of their published information (when available) posted on this website.

1(Apparently looking at condo renovation in another state, and nothing to do with the police blotter.)

January 25 2025
 A quick look at the forecast for late next week (and weekend) is looking great for cards.  This time of year, scheduling a tournament years in advance, all you can really hope for is no major snowstorm shutting down the Twin Cities Metro Area - and no cold snap where cars don't start.  Anything could still happen with Minnesota's weather, but for four terrific days of bridge over at the Bridge Center of St Paul next weekend, so far, it's looking good.   [Ed:  Technically, any weather forecast beyond five days is called an "outlook" and not a forecast - but we all open 19 HCP hands as 2NT every once in a while.]

UPDATE (SUN 1/26):  If anything, the forecast is improving.  Now highs of 41° on Thursday and 42° expected - it's a bit of a "leap into spring" about four weeks early.

January 24 2025
Some updates to Minnesota's Tuesday duplicate bridge games:
    The online BBO Grand National Teams qualifiers being run by the Minnesota Grand Slam Club Tuesday evenings kicked off this week with 9 tables of players; their plan is to run team games to qualify players across D14 for the Grand National Teams competition through February.  It's just a $5 charge to play - you'll find the game starts at 6:30p Tuesdays under VACB101691.

    The Plymouth Bridge Club's Tuesday limited masterpoint games have raised the ceiling over at 6000 Lyndale Avenue.  Not the actual ceiling of Studio Time Out, where they're holding the games, but the masterpoint ceiling of their game!  The previously 749er game is now a 999er game; so all players with under 1,000 masterpoints are welcome to show up at 12:15 for a lesson followed by bridge at 12:45.

    Minnesota's other Tuesday games are also on the rise, with rising table counts reported over the last 12 months.  The Bridge Center of St Paul's Tuesday games (+8.5%), St Cloud's Tuesday game (+0.3%), and Rochester's Tuesday Pro/Am game (+26.9%) all have shown positive table count growth in 2024 compared to 2023.
You don't have to have run a bridge club to know that shrinking games tend to keep getting smaller - while growing games tend to keep getting bigger.  So this is a great sign for Tuesday bridge across Minnesota - and if you're not already playing bridge on Tuesdays, you have lots of options!

January 23 2025
 It's just one week now until the 2025 Minnesota Winter Sectional gets underway on Thursday January 30th.  This event will be at the Bridge Center of St Paul this year, and the 4-day tournament will feature a bit of something for everyone, with the flyer and schedule just to your left - click on it to enlarge it and open it in a new window for better viewing (and/or printing!).

There's something new this year - Unit 103 is providing FREE GOPHER DAYS to some lucky 499er/NLM player in every session of this tournament.  Any and all 499er and/or Flight "C" players will be eligible to get two free sessions of bridge at the upcoming Gopher Regional in May.  It's our way of saying "thanks" for playing with us next week and hopefully increasing our NLM players at the big tournament in a few months.

Remember - single-session entries will be accomodated as requested at the Winter Tournament next week and lunch is included on Sunday with every Swiss team entry.

January 22 2025
 Minnesota's Units 103 and 178 have set their Awards Party and Celebratory Game for all 2024 masterpoint race winners on Sunday, May 4th.  This party and game is not just for the winners, of course, but everyone from Minnesota and Western Wisconsin is invited to join in the fun and get into some trouble at the bridge table.  Players who finished in the top three spots in each of the 15 categories (from each Unit) have earned a free play in the bridge game, with a small charge for everyone else vying for next year's honors to play bridge.  (Are you on the list?  Unit 103's winners are listed to your left - click on the image to your left to check it out.)

This game will be held at the Bridge Center of St Paul's Roseville location, with the festivities beginning at 11:00am (including a light lunch).  Following the Awards Presentation will be a game of bridge for everyone there.  Mark your calendar for May 4th - and we'll see you at the Awards Presentation.

Looking for more?  Click here to check out the Bridge Blog Archive!