OPEN tournaments have no masterpoint restrictions and are open to everyone. These tournaments pay masterpoints at a considerably higher rate than limited-masterpoint tournaments. NOTE that almost every Open tournament will have a concurrent event with a limited masterpoint section during each session. In other words, during an Open Sectional, you're going to have an "Open section" and a "499er section" at the same time. This allows a 499er player the option of playing with other players of their same experience level (the limited, 499er section) - or playing in the Open section to "show 'em up."
There are also two different types of tournaments when it comes to earning differently pigmented masterpoint colors. (This is true not just in Minnesota, but ACBL-wide.) At Regional tournaments (like the Minnesota Gopher or the Rochester Regional), you'll find gold and red points available. Sectional tournaments provide the opportunity to get some silver points. NOTE that silver points are not available at regionals, and gold/red points are not available at sectionals. . .it's the ACBL's way of making sure you play in different events. (They're all fun.) Here is the general schedule for tournaments across Minnesota:
Leap Into Spring Sectional - late February or early March Rochester Spring Sectional - April Gopher Regional - late May St Cloud Sectional - mid-June Aquatennial Sectional - early July St Paul Non-Life Master Sectional - August Rochester Regional - September after Labor Day Mankato Sectional - late September Autumn Harvest Sectional - late October St Paul Holiday Sectional - second weekend in December These tournaments usually produce flyers which are sent to Minnesota bridge clubs for you to look at; the flyers are also emailed to players in advance of the tournament. And of course you'll get lots of early promotion for these events by following the Minnesota Bridge Blog. |